Before leaving the home in the morning it is probable that the ordinary individual takes a good look in the mirror. Is the tie properly adjusted – is the hair smoothed – any dust or specks on the clothes, etc. ? We have implicit confidence in the mirror. We know that it doesn’t deceive – it isn’t even hypocritical. If the hair is tousled, it tells us so, and without thought, we reach for the comb and brush.
We are promptly concerned with our personal appearance. The neatness of person and apparel is an asset that should never be neglected, and we rely on the looking-glass to tell us how we appear to the world.
We certainly are as much interested in our individual situation, mental, physical, and material, as in the external show. Of necessity, we are living along definite lines, and we ought to be as much concerned with the developing plot of life as in its scenery. Are we getting ahead? Are we saving for a rainy day? Are we improving our minds? Do we know more every day about our work? Are we adding to our qualifications and value to the company? Are we nearer the job ahead?
We have a mirror that will answer these questions with absolute accuracy – if it is used. It is clear and flawless. It is available every moment. It never distorts, conceals, or shows us anything but the truth. It is the mirror of our conscience. We often try to fool ourselves, try to avoid using it, the reason being generally that we are afraid or ashamed of its reflections.
On the one question – are you daily doing better work? This is of supreme importance, for it is our livelihood and directly affects your future. How absurd to ask a friend or associate “Am I making good, do you think?” or to wait for some imitation from the “boss”, one way or another. Ask yourself – you know better than anyone else. Why cheat in the game of solitaire?
Use this mirror of your conscience daily. You can not camouflage yourself, even if you would. If you have not “delivered”, if you have been lazy, if you have not earned the money paid to you for given results, this mirror will tell you so – immediately, emphatically, and unequivocally.
If you have not used this mirror for some time you may be surprised – possibly frightened, but it will nevertheless be beneficial. Mistakes sometimes have their value if they are recognized. There may be some profit in errors if an appreciation of results means their elimination in the future.
Following the suggestion of the truths disclosed by the household mirror will mean the desirable situation of a good appearance to the world. Let the reflections from your conscience mirror mean a satisfactory appearance to yourself.
– Anonymous